I am a trustee of Rural Action Yorkshire (RAY) and the Yorkshire and Humber regional representative on ACRE’s Board (the umbrella body for the 38 rural community councils nationwide). As part of my RAY role, I attend the West Yorkshire Rural Affairs Forum and represent the region’s rural community councils on the Yorkshire and Humber Rural Affairs Forum’s Management Board. I am a member of the Regional Community Empowerment Panel and one of the Panel’s representatives on the Consortium of Partners, the key bodies of the Yorkshire and Humberside Empowerment Partnership which aim to improve the quality, co-ordination and evidence of empowerment across the region.
I also sit on Leeds City Council’s Major Development Forum for the Planning Department which consults on planned improvements to its service to stakeholders. As a parish councillor for 13 years, I was involved in many local initiatives, including a Parish Plan, Leeds City Council’s Town and Parish Council Charter. I am a North East Regional Committee member for Guinness Northern Counties.