Enhancing the Voluntary Sector Contribution to JSNA

Monday 23 April 2012, 10.30-3.00

Northern Ballet, Quarry Hill, Leeds, LS2 7PA

What's the event about?Yorkshire and Humber Public Health Observatory logo

This workshop will focus on the role of local infrastructure organisations in maximising the use of both data and softer intelligence to inform the development of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies.

There is tremendous amount of rhetoric - particularly at a national level - about assets, co-production and strengthening the contribution of the voluntary sector to these important strategies. However, at a local level voluntary organisations face a very challenging environment with increasing competition and less funding. Key documents such as the Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and commissioning plans still fail to adequately capture the contribution of the voluntary and community sector.

This workshop will consider what local infrastructure organisations can do to use voluntary and community sector data and intelligence to help shape commissioning strategies that are more sensitisied to the local voluntary and community sector. It will also focus on what these organisations need to help them to maximise their contributions.

Who is the workshop aimed at?

This will be ideal for:

  • chief officers and health and social care leads in local infrastructure organisations
  • directors and managers of voluntary and community sector health and wellbeing consortia
  • employees of national voluntary sector organisations with an interest in contributing more effectively to the JSNA


 This workshop is a partnership between Yorkshire & the Humber Public Health Observatory and Involve Yorkshire & Humber (as part of Regional Voices).


The programme for the meeting can be downloaded here and the list of participants attending can be downloaded here.


We are pleased to be able to offer this as a free event. However, a charge of £20 per delegate will be raised for anyone who books a place and doesn't attend (unless cancellation is received by 12pm on Friday 13 April).

Book Now!

Please complete and return this booking form by Friday 13 April. Places limited.  

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