This Involve Yorkshire & Humber seminar was designed to identify the people, and explore their roles and powers, whose decisions now impact on the work of voluntary and community sector (VCS) learning and skills organisations. It brings together all the information on learning and skills you need to plan your organisation's future.
All three presentations delivered by speakers are also available here.
Who's who in learning and skills
Dr. Colin Forrest (Regional Development Manager - Yorkshire and the Humber, Learning and Skills Improvement Service)
Clive Howarth (Head of Relationships, Skills Funding Agency)
Clare Wigzell (Qualifications and Development Manager, Open College Network, Yorkshire & the Humber Region)
The TSNLA: introduction (John Harris, Manager, Third Sector National Learning Alliance)
Apprenticeships (Anthony Knowles, Head of Apprenticeships Employer Accounts, Yorkshire and Humber, National Apprenticeship Service)
The key agencies for voluntary sector learning and skills are the government department BIS, the Skills Funding Agency (SFA), and the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS). Other agencies with increasing relevance to the sector are the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS), the Open College Network (OCN), and the Association for Colleges (AoC). Organisations that specifically support voluntary sector interests are Involve Yorkshire & Humber and the Third Sector National Learning Alliance (TSNLA).
Joint working and linkages between the main agencies mean that there is a platform for dialogue and development for the voluntary sector - and now we know who to speak to.
Involve Yorkshire & Humber runs a programme of seminars to help the voluntary sector to get the facts and what they mean. Contact us if you would like to be told directly about forthcoming seminars.