An exciting year ahead for the Yorkshire & Humber Rural Network
The Yorkshire & the Humber Rural Network is busy planning an exciting programme of activities as we enter the third year of the project.
Sophie Stockdale, Manager of the Yorkshire and Humber Rural Network, left us in early March to take on a new role at The Conservation Foundation as their Think Big Programme Manager - keep an eye on the website for details about recruitment.
Since January 2012 we have produced a policy update about the National Planning Policy Framework and a Yorkshire and Humber Rural Network Policy Round Up – Feb 201. This was circulated to Yorkshire and Humber Rural Network e-mailing list. Email Ed if you would like to be added to the list.
What's coming up?
- a new briefing called "Changes to Governance Structures and Arrangements in Yorkshire and Humber" which outlines what ‘regional structures’ have been abolished and describes the new governance structures / arrangements which have been created since the Coalition Government took power, it has a particular focus on structures / arrangements that may affect the rural voluntary and community sector in Yorkshire and Humber.
- a new project called 'On the Ground - the Localism Act in practice'. The project will work with a range of voluntary and community organisations / groups to see how they are utilising the various measures (community right to challenge, bid, build etc) set out within the Act and how they work in practice on the ground. We are hoping to launch the project in the next few weeks!
- a series of events in May/June that will focus on the Queen's Speech setting out the coalition governments proposed policies and legislation for the coming Parliamentary session. This will be the first Queens Speech to be held in the spring due to the coalition introducing its five year fixed term placements. The events will be run together with Daniel Wood from the Houses of Parliament Outreach Service and they will allow participants to gain a fuller understanding of the speech but will also allow participants to let us know what they think about the proposed legislation. We are hoping to invite various MP's Researchers to the events.
Contact Ed Poulter if you would like further information about the rural network project.