Two reports back up and highlight the findings of work we have done on rural poverty with the Yorkshire and Humber Rural Network Project.
The Commons Rural Affairs Committee report shows that there is a higher cost to living in a rural area, but rural communities receive less funding and the issues around access to broadband and affordable housing are a long way from being addressed!
In a similar vein, Age UK has a report: Later Life in Rural England, which is the start of a campaign to raise awareness of the position of older people in rural communities. It looks at access to transport, health and social care, fuel poverty and financial exclusion.
We will shortly be publishing three policy papers about just these issues in Yorkshire and Humber, as well as an updated "Rural Lifelines" showing how the rural VCS supports people facing the problems these reports describe.
Find out more about rural policy and networks here.
For rural updates, follow our Rural Twitter account: @YHrural
New #VCS vacancies with @Foundation___ @WakieWellbeing @healthywakey & @SpectrumCIC on our #Yorkshire #job page
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RT @SarahJanicwicz: Bookings are now being taken for @cresr_shu Social Value Measurement Masterclass, Sheffield, 26 Sept, £43…
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"Poverty a more powerful influence on outcome for innercity children than gestational crack cocaine exposure"
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