Regional Voices has worked in partnership with NCVO and NAVCA to produce a new briefing that will help charities to find their way through new health and social care structures.
The briefing, Influencing the Health System in a Local Area - A Briefing for Local Voluntary and Community Groups, provides a short summary of the emerging local structures and how to engage with them and will be a useful resource for anyone trying to make sense of what they should be doing right now to position themselves for the new environment.
Judy Robinson, Chair of Regional Voices and Chief Executive of Involve Yorkshire & Humber said:
"When it's all change in health, Regional Voices is delighted to work with NCVO and NAVCA to support voluntary organisations to make sense of it all. The briefing provides ideas about making links with GPs and the new Health and Wellbeing Boards and we think it is vital that the local voluntary sector is at the heart of these new developments."
Involve Yorkshire & Humber is a member of Regional Voices, the partnership of nine regional voluntary and community sector ni England.