Involve Yorkshire & Humber builds and maintains relationships with a range of key agencies.
The governance landscape in Yorkshire and the Humber has changed radically since the coalition government came to power in May 2010. Prior to then, regional agencies such as Yorkshire Forward, Government Office for Yorkshire and the Humber and Yorkshire and the Humber Strategic Health Authority were key components of government policy and programme delivery. As part of their localism drive, the coalition has stripped out much of the regional layer of public agencies and many will close their doors by April 2012.
Some of the functions of these agencies will move back ‘up’ into central government, while much will be devolved downwards, towards local areas. Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) are part of this new landscape. Set up by local authorities and business, and often based on existing ‘city regions’, they have been tasked by the Department for Business, Industry and Skills to drive forward economic growth. In Yorkshire and the Humber, the proposals to become LEPs submitted by Leeds and Sheffield City Regions have been agreed by government. North Yorkshire and the Humber are in the process of reshaping their bids.
Many other agencies (quangos, private and charitable) retain a presence at regional level, as the most appropriate geographic area to deliver their services. These include the Big Lottery Fund, Arts Council England, Federation of Small Businesses, Local Government Yorkshire and Humber and Sport England.
We publish an information guide to key agencies for the voluntary and community sector (VCS).