Montage of people - Kirklees.  © Brian Cross - artimedia

Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Representation Project

Supported by Rotherham Ethnic Minority Alliance and Rotherham Ethnic Communities Network

The BME Representation Project exists to ensure that BME communities are engaged with local decision-making. Its aim is to ensure that the needs and aspirations of BME communities can be heard by the local authority in a coordinated and representative way. The project:

  • recruits, trains and supports BME organisations to represent BME communities on Local Strategic Partnership boards and play an active and strategic role in decision-making. These boards include the Partnership Board, the Children and Young People’s boards and themed boards.
  • manages consultations, and monthly meetings, to ensure that the representatives reflect the range of perspectives within BME communities.
  • produces a monthly newsletter to promote the work of BME groups and to encourage stronger partnership working.
  • actively supports representatives and ensures that there is a consistent flow of information, and that representatives can speak on behalf of the sector.

"We wish to express how incredible supportive REMA has been at every stage. REMA's
role continues to be crucial in supporting the town and various ethnic minority groups.
Its role in supporting RECN, the Unity Centre and the Borough Council is ongoing."
Chair, Rotherham Irish Society

Rotherham Ethnic Minority Alliance (REMA) is the local support and development organisation for the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) voluntary and community sector in Rotherham. REMA’s role is to develop the capacity of service providers to better meet the needs of the BME communities.

Rotherham Ethnic Community Network (RECN) was set up to empower,
strengthen and engage local people to get involved in Rotherham’s

This case study is part of a series, published in Building links: why support and development organisations matter for Yorkshire and the Humber.

Black and Minority Ethnic Representation Project

Rotherham Ethnic Minority Alliance

Rotherham Ethnic Communities Network

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