Involve Yorkshire & Humber advertises jobs that are within, or relevant to, the voluntary and community sector in Yorkshire and the Humber.
This is an excellent place to advertise jobs, especially those at a senior level. We have about 140 members, who between them have an estimated reach of 20,000 organisations. This service is free to our members, and costs just £25.00 per job to non-members.
Please contact Ciara Mullally if you would like to advertise a job, with the following information:
name of organisation
job title
number of hours
deadline for applications
link to further information on your website
your logo, if you want to (of suitable size and quality to use on the web)
Annual conference with @carolineslocock @edcox_ippr Sept 17 #Sheffield Earlybird 10% discount BOOK NOW! #InvolveAC
10th June 2015
How does N.England wish to be governed in 21st century Britain? Northern Citizens' Convention Conference June 20
10th June 2015
Involve is recruiting! 2 @regionalvoice roles: #Health Network Director & Coordinator #VCS #jobs Pls RT
10th June 2015